Photos of Bicycle Motor Invention:

Photos of Bicycle Motor Invention:
First attempt to power assist :: Cord too short. ;)
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Here it is installed

Here it is installed
My Trek 850 with the Subaru/Robin 35cc Engine and Golden Eagle Bike Kit. 25-30 Mph. 160-200 mp'gallon.

Killing Me At The Pump : HaHa

Fill up the Golden Eagle Bike Engine with gasoline The only way to travel... on a sunny day. Fillerup with 32 Cents. Found a nickle on the ground so it actually only cost me 27 cents. Full throttle gives 26-28 miles per wee-little tank.

Gasoline for Bicycle Engine
Update: June 20, 2008 : 47 cents now to fill up...
Update: Oct 1, 2009 : 35 cents to fill up with premium.

Friday, August 31, 2007

New Shock Absorber Seat Post

Much more cushy now. I installed my new seat post three days ago. I ordered it at . I caught it on super sale plus an extra bonus 20% off. 34.99 regular and I got it for $16.99.

I can tell its usefulness. Most of the vibration that kept the seat a'jiggling is now gone. I tilted the seat back a bit and am now sitting much more ~ instead of the standing on the pedals which I consistantly did to rest my sitter.

Shock Absorber Seat Post

Tonight I did a quick 'up the ridge' to view the sunset. Wonderful! 950 miles and I love this Golden Eagle Bike Engine kit.